I thought a recent letter from Student Life president Randy Hall was pretty interesting.  The letter covers what Student Life is devoted to in youth ministry, but also talks about what devoted teenagers look like according to findings by the National Study of Youth and Religion.

Here is what a devoted teenager looks like according to them.  Devoted teens:

- Attend religious services weekly or more.
- Possess a high importance of faith in their everyday life.
- Feel very or extremely close to God.
- Currently involve themselves in a youth group.
- Pray a few times a week or more.
- Read Scripture once or twice a month or more.

According to the NSYR's findings, only a very small group of American teens fit into the category of devoted - around 8%.

Interestingly, these are the factors they found most influence the devoted teenagers:

- Committed Christian parents.
- Adults at their church to whom they can turn for support and advice.
- Personal prayer.
- Study of Scripture.
- High value of their faith.
- Firmly knowing what they believe.
- Many religious experiences.

I'm really intrigued by these findings.  Some of them are very affirming of my own beliefs and practices in ministering to students, some of them are eye-opening.  What is your reaction to this study?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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