I liked the YM Daily article over at youthministry.com today on dealing with critics.  Here's a quick overview of some of the insights Doug Fields and Matt McGill point out about those who dish out criticism:

- Critics usually aren't serving.
- Critics are unaware of their intent.
- Critics have been gathering ammunition and need to shoot someone.
- Critics are struggling with shame, guilt, and sin.

Check out the whole article at http://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=71e6b0d8edbf781322013b57d&id=09f983131a&e=[UNIQID].


- Tim B.
11/5/2010 12:44:11 pm

Do you mean this is the job of the critic? It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value. A critic might here perhaps return upon me with my own expressions.


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